How Pakistan managed unprecedented COVID_19 challenge very well

“Pakistan government’s measures such as smart lockdown as well as testing had helped slow down the spread of COVID_19 considerably”

Naila Latif
3 min readSep 10, 2020
COVID_19 pandemic

The COVID_19 has shaken the world unexpectedly we will continue to feel the social and economical consequences of the virus for quite a long time. Showing solidarity with each other during trying times is the responsibility of all of us.

Pakistan has astonished the whole world to win the war against the COVID_19, despite having very limited resources. Because the countries of the world that are rich, have stable economies, and are also rich in resources, their condition is now that they have come to their knees with a single stroke of this disease.

At the top of the list are America, France, and Italy.

The figures are given by WHO (World Health Organization) for Pakistan proved to be wrong. WHO predicted more than 60,000 deaths in Pakistan by the end of August. Because on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr in Pakistan, people turned to the bazaars, in a show of carelessness and took the form of large crowds to celebrate this holy religious festival in full. It was a dire situation. After this, the number of patients began to increase rapidly. And 6,000 cases were being reported in a single day.

In this horrifying scenario, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan proposed some strategies which were strictly implemented by the law and enforcement agencies.

The two terms devised by the Prime Minister have internationally acclaimed: Smart Lockdown and Micro Lockdown.

It is the result of these policies that cases began to dwindle. Now the number of active cases is less than 6,000. It’s a great miracle. Even European countries are admiring and praising Pakistan and are following these policies.

Newspapers, magazines, and news channels from different countries broadcast special programs on Pakistan’s victory in the war against the COVID_19, and articles and blogs appeared in magazines and newspapers. Scientists from some countries have hinted at coming to Pakistan to research the people here.

It was an unprecedented challenge, but Pakistan had so far managed the crises very well. it was heartening that the Pakistan government’s measures such as smart lockdown as well as testing and tracking helped slow down the spread of the virus considerably.

Now gradually Pakistan is stabilizing. Even country like Pakistan sent medical supplies to the US to support its fight against the COVID_19 pandemic. “This donation was a token of friendship” and solidarity with the US, which is the world’s worst_hit country with over 1.57 million cases and a large number of casualties. The US officials received the shipment of 1000,000 protective masks and 25000 coveralls for donation to the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

On the contrary, Pakistan has crossed a very important milestone. Pakistan has started to make its own ventilators, it’s a huge development. After some time Pakistan would be able to export these ventilators to the other countries.

Almost the whole world is astonished that how Pakistan cope with this pandemic without any vaccine. According to some scientists, the immunity level of Pakistanis is very strong. Most of the deaths were reported from people who were very old and others who were suffering already from some deadly diseases. Some European Scientists spreading rumors about Pakistan that they have made the vaccine but hiding from the world. It’s not the reality. They all are mistaken. Pakistanis have been saved by their complete reliance on Allah (God). it’s a strange nation with no fear of death.

“They have faith in that the night they have to spend in the grave, can’t spend outside the grave”.

Faith in Allah (God) and no fear of death is the only virtue that discriminates them from others. This is the only vaccine that no European scientist can make ever.



Naila Latif
Naila Latif

Written by Naila Latif

Naila is a freelance writer and analyst. These are her areas of expertise: social, political, religious, human rights violations, and current issues as well.

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